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Modern Hymns 2012 - CD

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Price: $15.98
Sale Price: $9.59
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   Modern Hymns 2012 features best-loved hymns recorded in a modern style. Features "Be Thou My Vision," "He Is Lord," "I Surrender All," and more.
   Maranatha! Music introduces a new collection called Modern Hymns 2012, a CD featuring some of the best-loved hymns of all time recorded in a modern style. Each track is a fresh, contemporary take on the arrangement, while keeping the timeless integrity of the original hymn. The result is a collection of songs from the most beloved hymn writers that will be heard in the church sanctuaries of today and for decades to come.

1. How great thou art
2. My Jesus - I love thee
3. Be thou my vision
4. Great is thy faithfulness
5. I surrender all
6. He is Lord
7. Turn your eyes upon Jesus
8. What wondrous love is this
9. I'd rather have Jesus/There is no other
10, Come let us adore him
11."Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
12. There's just something about that name

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