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Over It! Letting God Get You Past Life's Hurts

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MSRP: $14.99
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Whether it's a big deal or no big deal, everything that happens to a teen is a big deal. From the small mortifications everyone experiences in the dating world to the truly tragic (and all-too-common) issues of divorce or the death of a loved one, the teen years are full of emotional upheaval. If teens aren't getting the support they need from friends, family, and church to get through the tough stuff of life, they cope in whatever ways they can--sometimes with disastrous results.

Now bestselling authors Hayley DiMarco and Michael DiMarco show teens how to pick themselves up, move on, and deal with it. With a potent combination of empathy, tough love, Scripture, and wit, the DiMarcos lead teens through true recovery. As always, they avoid platitudes and tell it like it is--which is what teens really want. Parents, youth leaders, counselors, and teens will find that Over It is the book they've been waiting for. (192 pages)

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