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Picturing the Gospel: Tapping the Power of the Bible's Imagery

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MSRP: $15.00
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The Gospel is a message of new life, mercy, restoration, and deliverance. These concepts can be difficult to fathom. Neil Livingstone takes the time to connect these concepts with imagery, just like Jesus did with parables, so we can understand what the good news is really about. The 21st century is a visual age so Livingstone helps us with Picturing the Gospel. "This book is like a photo album. It will show you a wide variety of photos that capture different sides of the "personality" of the gospel. When you're finished, you'll feel you know the gospel in a deeper way. You'll see how rich and deep and multifaceted it is. And in the process you'll learn how to think more creatively and theologically." -Brian McLaren, from the foreword. (181 pages)

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