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Real Church: Does It Exist? Can I Find It? (Hardcover)

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    What's happening to the Church? Why are so many people who for decades have been faithful, steady churchgoers (and others who want to start going to church but can't seem to find one that meets their needs) losing interest in even attending church, let alone getting involved?
    What is fundamentally wrong with the "types" of churches (Seeker, Bible, Emergent, Liberal, Evangelical) that dot the religious landscape? Larry Crabb believes it is time to rethink the entire foundation and focus of what we know today as church -- everything we're doing and are wanting to see happen. In his most honest and vulnerable book to date, the author reveals his own struggles in this area and then offers a compelling vision of why God designed us to live in community with Him and others, and what the church he wants to be a part of looks like.In a culture filled with so many different types of congregations---seeker, Bible, emergent, liberal, evangelical---why are many lifelong churchgoers dropping out?
Learn why Crabb believes it's time to rethink the entire foundation and focus of what we know as "church." Includes excerpts from the author's upcoming release, 66 Love Letters. (199 pages)

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