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Sounding Forth the Trumpet, 1837-1860 - Hardcover

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MSRP: $21.99
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The third book in Peter Marshall's and David Manuel's God's Plan for America trilogy, Sounding Forth the Trumpet covers the events from 1837 through 1860. Dealing with the horrors of slavery, the work of the abolitionists and the confederates, the Civil War, this book puts forth the view that the war was not fought for economics, union solidarity, or to preserve a way of life, but over slavery. Looking at it from a spiritual perspective, the authors conclude that since the North was also guilty for its perpetuation, the Lord required a blood atonement of equal measure. Weaving together narratives of major players with an analysis of the politics and events that were happening around them, this final book exposes one of the dark aspects in our nation's history, while exploring the drive toward freedom and independence. 558 pages, indexed.

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