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Taylor's Gift: A Courageous Story of Giving Life and Renewing Hope - Hardcover

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It was the beginning of what should have been a great family vacation. Todd and Tara Storch had brought their three children to Vail, Colorado for a week of skiing and family time. It was on the last run of their first day on the slopes when the unthinkable happened. Due to an accident on her ski run, thirteen-year-old Taylor died tragically, leaving her family reeling from loss and shock. In the moments just following Taylor's death, her doctors asked the Storch's if they wanted to donate Taylor's organs. Considering what Taylor would have wanted, they said yes, and changed the lives of five people forever. Taylor's Gift is the story of Taylor's all too brief life, and the emotional pain of losing a child, but it's also a story of hope springing from tragedy. In time, the Storch's decided they wanted to meet the recipients of Taylor's organs. Knowing that part of Tara's life lives on in these five people gave the Storch's strength to heal and to discover new purpose as advocates for organ donation. Reading their story will encourage you to find purpose beyond the pain of grief, and touch your heart with it's message of hope. (288 pages)

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