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The Measure of Our Success: An Impassioned Plea to Pastors

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How do pastors measure success? Is it through the number of people who fill the pews on Sunday morning? Is it tied to programs, building projects, salary, or book deals? Is it about how much technology they use or what their worship band sounds like? Shawn Lovejoy has seen all of these measures of success lead pastors toward pride, self-reliance, loneliness, isolation, exhaustion, and, in the most extreme cases, self-destruction. The Measure of our Success: An Impassioned Plea to Pastors is an honest and encouraging book wherein Lovejoy calls pastors back to the "main thing"--the call to love people and make disciples--and to measure their success the way God does. Using Scripture, personal examples, and case studies, Lovejoy gently leads pastors back to their first love, and in doing so he leads them toward a more effective and joy-filled ministry. (183 pages)

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